Listed below are the NMLS Online self-paced CE renewal courses. To purchase, click "Add to Cart" next to the course.

It is the student's responsibility to pick the appropriate courses to satisfy the student's renewal requirements. The $12 NMLS Course Completion Credit Banking fee will be added at checkout.
  • You can Start or Stop at anytime from your home or office
  • Courses are completed entirely online, via text and audio. (Audio can be disabled if you choose)
  • Credit issued to NMLS electronically within the next 1-2 business days (usually the same day)
  • Customer and Instructor Support is available 24/7, every day, answered locally
Here are some tips when selecting your NMLS course below.

Have any questions? Please call 1.877.550.5808.

  • Only 'Late CE courses' may be taken to make-up continuing education for the years 2010 through 2024.
  • No other courses may be used to make-up 2010-2024 CE.
  • Do not take one of these courses if you are seeking to complete CE for 2025.
  • NMLS Late CE courses are timed per NMLS Rules.

For detailed information about a course, click the Information icon next to the course name.

Have questions? Call us at 1.877.550.5808 for assistance prior to purchasing.

Late CE 8 Hour SAFE Comprehensive: Updates (15788)
NMLS Course #16740, Total Hours: 8
School provider name: 123CE Inc, NMLS Provider #1400019
Course delivered: Online Self-paced
Course Topics
1 hour on topics of Mortgage Origination (Understanding Credit Reports and Scores)
3 hours on Federal Law and Regulation
2 hours on Mortgage Ethics
2 hours on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Market
Course Details
Course Syllabus
Course:Late CE 8 Hour SAFE Comprehensive: Updates (15788)
Course #:16740
Hours/Type:8 Comprehensive CE
Provider:123CE Inc #1400019
Delivery:Online Self-paced
Course Purpose
This course is designed to enable the student to meet the requirements of renewal by better understanding the steps, procedures and laws involved in originating mortgage loans. This course is separated into 8 modules. At the beginning of each module, an explanation and description of the objectives will be given. This course is relevant as it deals with the various laws a working Loan Originator uses in his or her day-to-day activity. Knowledge of this information is invaluable to the licensee and benefits the public the licensee serves.

Learning Experience
To ensure the adult learning experience in each module, the student will be provided detailed background and information on the topic. In addition, the student will be allowed to participate in group discussions on the topics to demonstrate his or her mastery of the objectives. At the end of each module, the student must pass a module quiz with at least a 70% score.

Course Description
This course includes 1 hour of topics on Mortgage Origination, 3 hours on Federal Law and Regulation, 2 hours on Mortgage Ethics (including instruction on fraud, consumer protection and fair lending issues), and 2 hours on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Market.

Learning Objectives/Timing
Lesson/Module 1 Learning Objectives

Who's Requiring the CE Topics? (2 minutes)

After completing this module, you will:

  • be able to recall the difference between traditional and non-traditional mortgage products, (18 minutes)
  • be able to identify trends in mortgage lending performance, (7 minutes)
  • better understand questions concerning FHA insured mortgage programs, (14 minutes)
  • and better understand mortgage insurance. (11 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 2 Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will:

  • better understand the history of and the details concerning a VA Guaranteed loan, (20 minutes)
  • better understand questions concerning adjustable rate mortgages, (16 minutes)
  • and be able to recall details about FHA's HECM reverse mortgage. (14 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 3 Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will:

  • better understand the definition of credit and interest, (3 minutes)
  • better understand credit reports, (7 minutes)
  • be able to explain how a credit score is determined, (9 minutes)
  • be able to understand what components affect a credit score, (8 minutes)
  • be able to explain how to correct errors on a credit report, (5 minutes)
  • and better understand credit repair services, and the pitfalls. (8 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 4 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • explain approaches to Ethics, (2 minutes)
  • identify the signs of fraud, (5 minutes)
  • better understand delivery of Appraisal and/or Other Valuation, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, (6 minutes)
  • accurately complete the Privacy Policy Informational Purposes Only, (2 minutes)
  • better understand Privacy Policies, (2 minutes)
  • define pre-texting, (4 minutes)
  • better understand the Consumer Protection Act, (1 minute)
  • better understand Notice of Action Taken/Timing, (1 minute)
  • better understand Notice of Action Taken/Content, (1 minute)
  • better understand the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, (1 minute)
  • better understand the Electronic Fund Transfers Act, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Fair and Accurate Transaction Act, (2 minutes)
  • identify signals of Red Flags, (18 minutes)
  • and better understand the USA Patriot Act. (2 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 5 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • explain ethical standards, (5 minutes)
  • explain the importance of protection of information, (6 minutes)
  • understand the importance of disclosure, (4 minutes)
  • better understand the importance of confidentiality, (12 minutes)
  • recognize the National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) Code of Ethics, (3 minutes)
  • explain predatory lending, (2 minutes)
  • better understand fair lending laws, (4 minutes)
  • identify typical mortgage broker regulations, (6 minutes)
  • and better understand the complaint process. (8 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 6 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • better understand the CFPB's Guidance on Brokers Shifting to "Mini-Correspondent" Model, (34 minutes)
  • better understand Closing Disclosure - Timing of Delivery, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Home Ownership Counseling List, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the rules on Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Forms, (3 minutes)
  • better understand the rules on Ability-to-Repay, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the FHA rules on Handling Prepayments: Eliminating Post-Payment Interest Charges, (4 minutes)
  • and better understand the revisions to FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Notifications and ARM Look-Back Period Policies. (3 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 7 Learning Objectives

During this module, you will:

  • better understand the Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA), 12 CFR Part 1026 (Regulation Z), (3 minutes)
  • get a comprehensive review of permissible fees and finance charges, (12 minutes)
  • better understand advertisement requirements: (4 minutes)
    • Mortgage Loan Originator and Real Estate Agent
    • Mortgage Loan Originator and Title/Settlement Company
    • Mortgage Loan Originator to consumer
  • understand how to Disclose Additional Credit Terms in Advertisements, (1 minute)
  • review loans covered by the Truth-in-Lending Act, (3 minutes)
  • review permissible annual percentage rate tolerances, (7 minutes)
  • better understand how to Accurately Complete the Closing Disclosure, (2 minutes)
  • better understand refinancing scenarios with rights to rescind certain types of transactions, (10 minutes)
  • better understand finance charge overstated on initial Loan Estimate: (4 minutes)
    • Regulation Z, 12 CFR §1026.4(b) and 12 CFR §1026.4(c),
    • Regulation Z 12 CFR §1026.4(e)(1),
  • understand how to Provide Adequate Settlement Service Provider List, (1 minute)
  • and review the topic of finance charge understated on initial Loan Estimate (3 minutes)
    • Regulation Z, 12 CFR §1026.18(d)(1).

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 8 Learning Objectives

During this module, you will:

  • better understand the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), 12 CFR Part 1024 (Regulation X), (5 minutes)
  • better understand Consumer's Consent to Receive Electronic Records, (1 minute)
  • get a comprehensive knowledge of the prohibitions, limitations and exemptions set by RESPA and understand the types of loans to which RESPA is applicable, (8 minutes)
  • better understand settlement services, (3 minutes)
  • better understand bona fide discount points, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the foreclosure process, (9 minutes)
  • review the changes that can be made to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure, (12 minutes)
  • better understand Tolerance Violations, 10% Tolerance Charge(s), Loan Estimates, Recording Fee Cost on Closing Disclosure and Loan Estimate - Tolerance, (5 minutes)
  • and review the Federal Finding 7: Prohibited payments in connection with Marketing Service Agreements: Section 8 of RESPA, 12 USC §2607(a), Kickbacks and Unearned Fees, Third Party Service Fees in Excess of the Actual Cost, Regulation X, 12 CFR §1024.14(e), and 12 CFR §1024.14(g)(2). (5 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Final Exam (13 minutes)

Course Requirements
Students must complete all sections:
  • Course Materials
  • Work Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Final Exam
Once all sections and assignments are complete, course credit will be issued. Any student not fulfilling these requirements will be disqualified from receiving a completion certificate.  This course is available for 6 months from registration date.  If you need additional time, please call for an extension (up to 6 additional months).  There are no refunds for partially completed courses.

Policy Regarding Attendance and Behavior
Students will not attempt to disrupt any security options of the Learning Management System, and will not use any profanity when submitting blog entries or work assignments.

Grading or Pass/Fail Criteria
Students must pass the final exam with at least a 70% score and may retake the quizzes and exam as necessary to achieve the 70% score.

Course Timing Calculation
Each lesson/module is approximately 1 hour in length. The timing for this course has been quantitatively verified. This course allows for a 10 minute break per hour. Timing data includes:
  • The amount of course text and PDFs
  • Difficulty of the course topics
  • Learning strategies:
    • External links
    • Interactive exercises
    • Exam/Review
  • Learner-to-content activities
  • Learner-to-instructor activities
  • Learner-to-Learner activities
The course was reviewed by individuals designated as professionals that are familiar with distance education instructional design and the subject matter of the course. These individuals have professional credentials or appropriate designations that enable them to make a professional assessment of how long it is supposed to take the typical student to complete the course.

Requirement for Text or Other Course Materials
This course is all inclusive. Although no other materials are needed, additional .pdf downloads may be provided during the course depending on recent developments in regard to the topic being presented. Students will not need any additional technology such as a calculator. *Should you need any technical support or assistance in operating this Learning Management System, please contact 123CE Inc any time at 1-877-550-5808.

Students may contact an instructor anytime 24/7/365 using the 123CE LMS iMail system: Scott Hilton.

Late CE 8 Hour CA-DFPI SAFE Comprehensive: Updates (15789)
NMLS Course #16742, Total Hours: 8
School provider name: 123CE Inc, NMLS Provider #1400019
Course delivered: Online Self-paced
Course Topics
1 hour on topics of Mortgage Origination (California DFPI State Specific)
3 hours on Federal Law and Regulation
2 hours on Mortgage Ethics
2 hours on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Market
Course Details
Course Syllabus
Course:Late CE 8 Hour CA-DFPI SAFE Comprehensive: Updates (15789)
Course #:16742
Hours/Type:8 Comprehensive CE
Provider:123CE Inc #1400019
Delivery:Online Self-paced
Course Purpose
This course is designed to enable the student to meet the requirements of renewal by better understanding the steps, procedures and laws involved in originating mortgage loans. This course is separated into 8 modules. At the beginning of each module, an explanation and description of the objectives will be given. This course is relevant as it deals with the various laws a working Loan Originator uses in his or her day-to-day activity. Knowledge of this information is invaluable to the licensee and benefits the public the licensee serves.

Learning Experience
To ensure the adult learning experience in each module, the student will be provided detailed background and information on the topic. In addition, the student will be allowed to participate in group discussions on the topics to demonstrate his or her mastery of the objectives. At the end of each module, the student must pass a module quiz with at least a 70% score.

Course Description
This course includes 1 hour of CA-DFPI Defined Electives, 3 hours on Federal Law and Regulation, 2 hours on Mortgage Ethics (including instruction on fraud, consumer protection and fair lending issues), and 2 hours on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Market.

Learning Objectives/Timing
Lesson/Module 1 Learning Objectives

Who's Requiring the CE Topics? (2 minutes)

After completing this module, you will:

  • be able to recall the difference between traditional and non-traditional mortgage products, (18 minutes)
  • be able to identify trends in mortgage lending performance, (7 minutes)
  • better understand questions concerning FHA insured mortgage programs, (14 minutes)
  • and better understand mortgage insurance. (11 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 2 Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will:

  • better understand the history of and the details concerning a VA Guaranteed loan, (20 minutes)
  • better understand questions concerning adjustable rate mortgages, (16 minutes)
  • and be able to recall details about FHA's HECM reverse mortgage. (14 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 3 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will:

  • better understand the California Financing Law (CFL) (California Code of Regulations, §1404 [10 C.C.R. §1404]), (2 minutes)
  • be able to answer - Who is Required to Obtain a Finance Lenders License?, (3 minutes)
  • be able to answer - Do I need to Authorize my Branch Office(s) through NMLS?, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the CA-DFPI California Residential Lending Act (50000 -50706), (8 minutes)
  • understand the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act (CRMLA) License, (7 minutes)
  • be able to answer - Who does not need this license?, (3 minutes)
  • be able to list the Pre-requisites for license applications, (5 minutes)
  • and better understand the California Homeowner Bill of Rights. (20 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 4 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • explain approaches to Ethics, (2 minutes)
  • identify the signs of fraud, (5 minutes)
  • better understand delivery of Appraisal and/or Other Valuation, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, (6 minutes)
  • accurately complete the Privacy Policy Informational Purposes Only, (2 minutes)
  • better understand Privacy Policies, (2 minutes)
  • define pre-texting, (4 minutes)
  • better understand the Consumer Protection Act, (1 minute)
  • better understand Notice of Action Taken/Timing, (1 minute)
  • better understand Notice of Action Taken/Content, (1 minute)
  • better understand the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, (1 minute)
  • better understand the Electronic Fund Transfers Act, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Fair and Accurate Transaction Act, (2 minutes)
  • identify signals of Red Flags, (18 minutes)
  • and better understand the USA Patriot Act. (2 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 5 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • explain ethical standards, (5 minutes)
  • explain the importance of protection of information, (6 minutes)
  • understand the importance of disclosure, (4 minutes)
  • better understand the importance of confidentiality, (12 minutes)
  • recognize the National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) Code of Ethics, (3 minutes)
  • explain predatory lending, (2 minutes)
  • better understand fair lending laws, (4 minutes)
  • identify typical mortgage broker regulations, (6 minutes)
  • and better understand the complaint process. (8 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 6 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • better understand the CFPB's Guidance on Brokers Shifting to "Mini-Correspondent" Model, (34 minutes)
  • better understand Closing Disclosure - Timing of Delivery, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Home Ownership Counseling List, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the rules on Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Forms, (3 minutes)
  • better understand the rules on Ability-to-Repay, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the FHA rules on Handling Prepayments: Eliminating Post-Payment Interest Charges, (4 minutes)
  • and better understand the revisions to FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Notifications and ARM Look-Back Period Policies. (3 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 7 Learning Objectives

During this module, you will:

  • better understand the Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA), 12 CFR Part 1026 (Regulation Z), (3 minutes)
  • get a comprehensive review of permissible fees and finance charges, (12 minutes)
  • better understand advertisement requirements: (4 minutes)
    • Mortgage Loan Originator and Real Estate Agent
    • Mortgage Loan Originator and Title/Settlement Company
    • Mortgage Loan Originator to consumer
  • understand how to Disclose Additional Credit Terms in Advertisements, (1 minute)
  • review loans covered by the Truth-in-Lending Act, (3 minutes)
  • review permissible annual percentage rate tolerances, (7 minutes)
  • better understand how to Accurately Complete the Closing Disclosure, (2 minutes)
  • better understand refinancing scenarios with rights to rescind certain types of transactions, (10 minutes)
  • better understand finance charge overstated on initial Loan Estimate: (4 minutes)
    • Regulation Z, 12 CFR §1026.4(b) and 12 CFR §1026.4(c),
    • Regulation Z 12 CFR §1026.4(e)(1),
  • understand how to Provide Adequate Settlement Service Provider List, (1 minute)
  • and review the topic of finance charge understated on initial Loan Estimate (3 minutes)
    • Regulation Z, 12 CFR §1026.18(d)(1).

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 8 Learning Objectives

During this module, you will:

  • better understand the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), 12 CFR Part 1024 (Regulation X), (5 minutes)
  • better understand Consumer's Consent to Receive Electronic Records, (1 minute)
  • get a comprehensive knowledge of the prohibitions, limitations and exemptions set by RESPA and understand the types of loans to which RESPA is applicable, (8 minutes)
  • better understand settlement services, (3 minutes)
  • better understand bona fide discount points, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the foreclosure process, (9 minutes)
  • review the changes that can be made to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure, (12 minutes)
  • better understand Tolerance Violations, 10% Tolerance Charge(s), Loan Estimates, Recording Fee Cost on Closing Disclosure and Loan Estimate - Tolerance, (5 minutes)
  • and review the Federal Finding 7: Prohibited payments in connection with Marketing Service Agreements: Section 8 of RESPA, 12 USC §2607(a), Kickbacks and Unearned Fees, Third Party Service Fees in Excess of the Actual Cost, Regulation X, 12 CFR §1024.14(e), and 12 CFR §1024.14(g)(2). (5 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Final Exam (13 minutes)

Course Requirements
Students must complete all sections:
  • Course Materials
  • Work Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Final Exam
Once all sections and assignments are complete, course credit will be issued. Any student not fulfilling these requirements will be disqualified from receiving a completion certificate.  This course is available for 6 months from registration date.  If you need additional time, please call for an extension (up to 6 additional months).  There are no refunds for partially completed courses.

Policy Regarding Attendance and Behavior
Students will not attempt to disrupt any security options of the Learning Management System, and will not use any profanity when submitting blog entries or work assignments.

Grading or Pass/Fail Criteria
Students must pass the final exam with at least a 70% score and may retake the quizzes and exam as necessary to achieve the 70% score.

Course Timing Calculation
Each lesson/module is approximately 1 hour in length. The timing for this course has been quantitatively verified. This course allows for a 10 minute break per hour. Timing data includes:
  • The amount of course text and PDFs
  • Difficulty of the course topics
  • Learning strategies:
    • External links
    • Interactive exercises
    • Exam/Review
  • Learner-to-content activities
  • Learner-to-instructor activities
  • Learner-to-Learner activities
The course was reviewed by individuals designated as professionals that are familiar with distance education instructional design and the subject matter of the course. These individuals have professional credentials or appropriate designations that enable them to make a professional assessment of how long it is supposed to take the typical student to complete the course.

Requirement for Text or Other Course Materials
This course is all inclusive. Although no other materials are needed, additional .pdf downloads may be provided during the course depending on recent developments in regard to the topic being presented. Students will not need any additional technology such as a calculator. *Should you need any technical support or assistance in operating this Learning Management System, please contact 123CE Inc any time at 1-877-550-5808.

Students may contact an instructor anytime 24/7/365 using the 123CE LMS iMail system: Scott Hilton.

Late CE 8 Hour FL SAFE Comprehensive: Updates (15790)
NMLS Course #16741, Total Hours: 8
School provider name: 123CE Inc, NMLS Provider #1400019
Course delivered: Online Self-paced
Course Topics
1 hour on topics of Mortgage Origination (Florida State Specific)
3 hours on Federal Law and Regulation
2 hours on Mortgage Ethics
2 hours on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Market
Course Details
Course Syllabus
Course:Late CE 8 Hour FL SAFE Comprehensive: Updates (15790)
Course #:16741
Hours/Type:8 Comprehensive CE
Provider:123CE Inc #1400019
Delivery:Online Self-paced
Course Purpose
This course is designed to enable the student to meet the requirements of renewal by better understanding the steps, procedures and laws involved in originating mortgage loans. This course is separated into 8 modules. At the beginning of each module, an explanation and description of the objectives will be given. This course is relevant as it deals with the various laws a working Loan Originator uses in his or her day-to-day activity. Knowledge of this information is invaluable to the licensee and benefits the public the licensee serves.

Learning Experience
To ensure the adult learning experience in each module, the student will be provided detailed background and information on the topic. In addition, the student will be allowed to participate in group discussions on the topics to demonstrate his or her mastery of the objectives. At the end of each module, the student must pass a module quiz with at least a 70% score.

Course Description
This course includes 1 hour of FL-OFR Defined Electives, 3 hours on Federal Law and Regulation, 2 hours on Mortgage Ethics (including instruction on fraud, consumer protection and fair lending issues), and 2 hours on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Market.

Learning Objectives/Timing
Lesson/Module 1 Learning Objectives

Who's Requiring the CE Topics? (2 minutes)

After completing this module, you will:

  • be able to recall the difference between traditional and non-traditional mortgage products, (18 minutes)
  • be able to identify trends in mortgage lending performance, (7 minutes)
  • better understand questions concerning FHA insured mortgage programs, (14 minutes)
  • and better understand mortgage insurance. (11 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 2 Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will:

  • better understand the history of and the details concerning a VA Guaranteed loan, (20 minutes)
  • better understand questions concerning adjustable rate mortgages, (16 minutes)
  • and be able to recall details about FHA's HECM reverse mortgage. (14 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 3 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to better understand:

  • state law and regulation definitions, (15 minutes)
  • compliance filings (MCR, financial condition, and audited financial statements), (2 minutes)
  • examinations and audits, (3 minutes)
  • records, financial statements and reports, (4 minutes)
  • net worth requirements, (1 minute)
  • consumer's consent to receive electronic records, (1 minute)
  • escrow and trust accounts, (2 minutes)
  • disclosures and advertising, (3 minutes)
  • conditions and limitations of certain mortgage transactions, (2 minutes)
  • residential mortgage loans, (2 minutes)
  • enforcement, (11 minutes)
  • investigation of violations and unsafe practices; remedial action, (2 minutes)
  • disciplinary and other actions, (10 minutes)
  • and prohibited acts and penalties. (2 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 4 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • explain approaches to Ethics, (2 minutes)
  • identify the signs of fraud, (5 minutes)
  • better understand delivery of Appraisal and/or Other Valuation, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, (6 minutes)
  • accurately complete the Privacy Policy Informational Purposes Only, (2 minutes)
  • better understand Privacy Policies, (2 minutes)
  • define pre-texting, (4 minutes)
  • better understand the Consumer Protection Act, (1 minute)
  • better understand Notice of Action Taken/Timing, (1 minute)
  • better understand Notice of Action Taken/Content, (1 minute)
  • better understand the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, (1 minute)
  • better understand the Electronic Fund Transfers Act, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Fair and Accurate Transaction Act, (2 minutes)
  • identify signals of Red Flags, (18 minutes)
  • and better understand the USA Patriot Act. (2 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 5 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • explain ethical standards, (5 minutes)
  • explain the importance of protection of information, (6 minutes)
  • understand the importance of disclosure, (4 minutes)
  • better understand the importance of confidentiality, (12 minutes)
  • recognize the National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) Code of Ethics, (3 minutes)
  • explain predatory lending, (2 minutes)
  • better understand fair lending laws, (4 minutes)
  • identify typical mortgage broker regulations, (6 minutes)
  • and better understand the complaint process. (8 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 6 Learning Objectives

After participating in this module, you will be able to:

  • better understand the CFPB's Guidance on Brokers Shifting to "Mini-Correspondent" Model, (34 minutes)
  • better understand Closing Disclosure - Timing of Delivery, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the Home Ownership Counseling List, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the rules on Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Forms, (3 minutes)
  • better understand the rules on Ability-to-Repay, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the FHA rules on Handling Prepayments: Eliminating Post-Payment Interest Charges, (4 minutes)
  • and better understand the revisions to FHA Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Notifications and ARM Look-Back Period Policies. (3 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 7 Learning Objectives

During this module, you will:

  • better understand the Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA), 12 CFR Part 1026 (Regulation Z), (3 minutes)
  • get a comprehensive review of permissible fees and finance charges, (12 minutes)
  • better understand advertisement requirements: (4 minutes)
    • Mortgage Loan Originator and Real Estate Agent
    • Mortgage Loan Originator and Title/Settlement Company
    • Mortgage Loan Originator to consumer
  • understand how to Disclose Additional Credit Terms in Advertisements, (1 minute)
  • review loans covered by the Truth-in-Lending Act, (3 minutes)
  • review permissible annual percentage rate tolerances, (7 minutes)
  • better understand how to Accurately Complete the Closing Disclosure, (2 minutes)
  • better understand refinancing scenarios with rights to rescind certain types of transactions, (10 minutes)
  • better understand finance charge overstated on initial Loan Estimate: (4 minutes)
    • Regulation Z, 12 CFR §1026.4(b) and 12 CFR §1026.4(c),
    • Regulation Z 12 CFR §1026.4(e)(1),
  • understand how to Provide Adequate Settlement Service Provider List, (1 minute)
  • and review the topic of finance charge understated on initial Loan Estimate (3 minutes)
    • Regulation Z, 12 CFR §1026.18(d)(1).

Quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson/Module 8 Learning Objectives

During this module, you will:

  • better understand the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), 12 CFR Part 1024 (Regulation X), (5 minutes)
  • better understand Consumer's Consent to Receive Electronic Records, (1 minute)
  • get a comprehensive knowledge of the prohibitions, limitations and exemptions set by RESPA and understand the types of loans to which RESPA is applicable, (8 minutes)
  • better understand settlement services, (3 minutes)
  • better understand bona fide discount points, (2 minutes)
  • better understand the foreclosure process, (9 minutes)
  • review the changes that can be made to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure, (12 minutes)
  • better understand Tolerance Violations, 10% Tolerance Charge(s), Loan Estimates, Recording Fee Cost on Closing Disclosure and Loan Estimate - Tolerance, (5 minutes)
  • and review the Federal Finding 7: Prohibited payments in connection with Marketing Service Agreements: Section 8 of RESPA, 12 USC §2607(a), Kickbacks and Unearned Fees, Third Party Service Fees in Excess of the Actual Cost, Regulation X, 12 CFR §1024.14(e), and 12 CFR §1024.14(g)(2). (5 minutes)

Quiz (10 minutes)

Final Exam (13 minutes)

Course Requirements
Students must complete all sections:
  • Course Materials
  • Work Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Final Exam
Once all sections and assignments are complete, course credit will be issued. Any student not fulfilling these requirements will be disqualified from receiving a completion certificate.  This course is available for 6 months from registration date.  If you need additional time, please call for an extension (up to 6 additional months).  There are no refunds for partially completed courses.

Policy Regarding Attendance and Behavior
Students will not attempt to disrupt any security options of the Learning Management System, and will not use any profanity when submitting blog entries or work assignments.

Grading or Pass/Fail Criteria
Students must pass the final exam with at least a 70% score and may retake the quizzes and exam as necessary to achieve the 70% score.

Course Timing Calculation
Each lesson/module is approximately 1 hour in length. The timing for this course has been quantitatively verified. This course allows for a 10 minute break per hour. Timing data includes:
  • The amount of course text and PDFs
  • Difficulty of the course topics
  • Learning strategies:
    • External links
    • Interactive exercises
    • Exam/Review
  • Learner-to-content activities
  • Learner-to-instructor activities
  • Learner-to-Learner activities
The course was reviewed by individuals designated as professionals that are familiar with distance education instructional design and the subject matter of the course. These individuals have professional credentials or appropriate designations that enable them to make a professional assessment of how long it is supposed to take the typical student to complete the course.

Requirement for Text or Other Course Materials
This course is all inclusive. Although no other materials are needed, additional .pdf downloads may be provided during the course depending on recent developments in regard to the topic being presented. Students will not need any additional technology such as a calculator. *Should you need any technical support or assistance in operating this Learning Management System, please contact 123CE Inc any time at 1-877-550-5808.

Students may contact an instructor anytime 24/7/365 using the 123CE LMS iMail system: Scott Hilton.

I am more knowledgeable today than I was yesterday. The information in this course has changed the way I do business from now on. Great course and I will read it, read it, and read it again many times. It has provided me with the knowledge to be a better agent. Testimonial from Juan in Katy, Texas

© 1999-2025 123CE INC * All rights reserved. Date: 02-06-2025 | Time: 07:11 PM (Central Time)
TREC CE Provider #655 | NMLS Provider #1400019

Disclaimers | Contact | Call us anytime @ 1.877.550.5808 or 281.692.0777 24/7/365

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Welcome to 123CEInc.com - you're source for real estate and mortgage education.
  • TREC & NMLS Course approval numbers available on our website.
  • The TREC Legal courses are included in all our 18 hour TREC CE packages, or available for purchase separately.
  • No Books needed - everything is online! Works on all browsers and mobile devices.
  • Individual courses are also available.
To get started, click on Purchase courses.

I am more knowledgeable today than I was yesterday. The information in this course has changed the way I do business from now on. Great course and I will read it, read it, and read it again many times. It has provided me with the knowledge to be a better agent. Testimonial from Juan in Katy, Texas

© 1999-2025 123CE INC * All rights reserved.
Date: 02-06-2025 | Time: 07:11 PM (Central Time)
Call us anytime @ 1.877.550.5808 24/7/365

TREC CE Provider #655 | TREC QE Provider #701055 | NMLS Provider #1400019